
You Bwana Read A Story?

"Now he would never write the things that he had saved to write until he knew enough to write them well."

I just read The Snows of Kilimanjaro for the first time tonight and have decided to reevaluate my opinion of Hemingway's writing (my opinion of his person stands.) I am ashamed to say I've never seen the classic film, and at this point I'm glad I didn't until I had read the source material because I honestly cannot imagine how they pulled it off. As a writer, the story struck me as particularly poignant, and almost seemed a call to action....time to pick up the pen so to speak.

Somehow I managed to escape high school, countless college lit and creative writing classes (I minored in English for heaven's sake) without reading any of Hemingway's novels and only a handful of short stories. I had assessed that he was overrated and that his shorts were better than his novels...now I'm not so certain.

Next up is The Sun Also Rises.

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