
Kristol Ball

The thought of an Obama presidency makes me ill, but I'm not one of these people who have conceded the belief in a "landslide" because of some ridiculous polls and (as one friend supersaturated in FoxNewsiness--who knows who he is his-- believes) Obama still has a lot of money to spend.

I first of all am distrustful of the news media period, and think that because I never watch network news, or cable news, or read syndicate newspaper publications that I have a more honest perspective. I get my news from the source, the AP wire, Reuters, Drudge....in short, the Internet (I like talk radio, and love Rush, but never really listen anymore because I simply don't have the time). I have no problem with Fox News, I just simply never watch it because of the sensationalized nature of infotainment in general, of which they are perpetrators like the rest. When I catch O'Reilly on, I do stop and watch, but mainly for Dennis Miller.

Anyway, all that having been said, I think that one of the pundits I would watch on a regular basis would be Bill Kristol, and though I don't share his defeatist mentality in the following clip, I do think he rightly takes McCain to task for sucking:


The Tuce said...

For my dear friend John:
The 5 stages of grieving/coping with the fact that BHO will win.

1 Shock, Disbelief, Denial
2 Anger
3 Bargaining, Guilt
4 Depression
5 Acceptance and Hope

I think I am somewhere between 4 and 5 however I think you my friend are a high 1 or a low 2 as evidenced by your faith in the rural Middle Class/Poor who only care about "Lower Taxes for the Middle Class" and don't understand or want to hear that that statement is just code for social experimentation and redistribution of wealth. I leave you with this piece from a great article on the subject of dying.
"Acceptance of reality need not be synonymous with capitulation, humiliating defeat. There is a difference between accepting what is inescapable – like death, when you’re dying – and cowardly surrendering when you could have fought more. And acceptance need not mean losing your integrity – it can sometimes be quite the opposite. Acceptance is not betrayal."

tuce63 said...

These tax plans both rob the wealth of the American people.

Both: Net cost 294 Billion

Both: Over 35% tax for those over 250,000/year (mccain 36 obama 39)


4% points...isn't democracy great? I can only hope after getting absolutely clobbered this year the Republicans return to their true roots of small government and lower taxes after years of hijacking from neoconservative impostors.