The way events in America have progressed over the past few centuries have left Senior Cristóbal Colón in a position far less favorable then in 1792 when Columbus Day was first celebrated, or even in '34 when FDR made the day a government holiday.
Revisionist history and political correctness have driven the more retarded among our nation to completely discount Columbus as a white, foreign oppressor who invaded a land of peaceful natives and ruined the utopia of the Brown Man. Case in point: Berkley, California replaced Columbus Day with "Indigenous People's Day" which they celebrate with a pow wow and "Native American" market.
Yet, despite the animosity and plain stupidity of California (and most of the Latin American world) Columbus' achievements are still recognized, studied, and admired. In 1992, two high profile biopics were made, one by Ridley Scott. He is a literally sung-about hero in a great deal of American Music, talked about HERE on THREEDONIA. His memory is regarded still, almost as much as despised...and thankfully that means we still have a day to honor him.
Columbus was a man of God, and a man of men. Though he believed until the day he died that he was right about the passage to India he hoped to discover (and almost did on his fourth voyage and trek across Panama), he was able to recognized the enormity of his actions in bringing Western Civilization and Christianity to a world and a people who were yet ignorant in their heathenry. Columbus' story is a fascinating one (the wikipedia entry only barely scratches the surface) and we should all take a moment to consider the man and his accomplishments.
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