
Proof of Write

In the previous post I mentioned that I was a quarter finalist in the Page International Screenplay Competition this year, and just so you guys don't think I made that up, here is a copy of the email they sent me. Unfortunately, because of the volume of submission, they didn't post a list of quarter finalists on the site.

July 14, 2008
Dear John,

2008 marks the fifth anniversary of the PAGE International Screenwriting Awards, and it has been a record-breaking event! We received 3,865 scripts this year, submitted by writers from all across the United States and 50 foreign countries. Our judges tell us that the overall quality of this year's entries is the best they’ve seen, and they’ve been extremely impressed by many of your screenplays. So the next few months promise to be very exciting!

Today we're officially kicking off the 2008 Awards season and we have some good news for you…

The First Round of judging has now been completed, and the judges have chosen the top 25% of all entries to compete in the Quarter-Finals. Based on your First Round scores, we're very happy to inform you that the following advanced to the Quarter-Final Round:

An All Consuming Fire

Congratulations!! Given the level of competition you faced, this is a real achievement.

Our Quarter-Final judges are now in the process of reading and evaluating your screenplays, and their scores, combined with the scores of the First Round judges, will determine the twenty-five Semi-Finalists in each of our ten genre categories.

We’ll finish tallying all those scores in just a couple of weeks. So mark your calendar and make sure you check our website on Friday, August 1st, when we’ll post the list of our 2008 Semi-Finalists.

Thanks again for the opportunity to review your work, and best of luck in this Quarter-Final Round!

Sincerely yours,
Jennifer Berg & Zoe Simmons
The 2008 PAGE International
Screenwriting Awards

This message was sent from: Jennifer Berg, The 2008 PAGE International Screenwriting Awards, 7510 Sunset Blvd., #610, Hollywood, CA 90046. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

I didn't get any further, probably because the screenplay is a Civil War/Western actioner of sorts, and people don't really go for that as much anymore. Much to my chagrin.

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