In case any of you missed the debates last night because, you know, they're pointless and if you are intelligent enough to read words than you've already made a decision, I'm here to bring you up to speed on all this "Joe Plumber" talk.
First, here's what it allowed McCain to do:
Get the problem? Obama explicitly said outloud what I, and everyone else you don't listen to, has been trying to get across: Obama is a socialist with plans for wealth redistribution. His plan and intentions, now vocalized to "Joe Plumber" (he has a real last name but its some kind of crazy Polish or something) is designed mostly to ensure that any thinking Black person with go ahead and vote for him. Most already will soley based on half of Obama's ethnicity (the dark half, to clarify). Don't believe that? Well, Howard Stern is no conservative, and not someone I listen to period, but he did have the guts to do a little social experiment to prove once and for all that Black people (at least in Harlem) are going to vote for Obama regardless, based on his Blackness.
Anyway, here is the full footage of Joe Plumber. Cheers.
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