A few days ago I was engaged in a conversation with a friend when it came out he intended to vote for Barack Obama, to which I promptly (after sighing) asked, "Why? Don't you realize he is a neo-Marxist?" (This was before the "spread the wealth around" comment.) My friend came back, "So?"
My friend is in college, and he spent a good deal of time overseas recently in Europe (Germany specifically) and his brain is so imprinted with the amazing belief that, despite all of history to the contrary, Socialism is not a bad thing. He isn't religious, so he didn't get Acts II on me, but that is another frequent stumbling block for the less enlightened.
The fact that Obama wants to take money from one group of people (who earned it through whatever means, be it hard-work, ingenuity, or mafia tactics) and distribute it to any other group of people who didn't earn it (by any means other by simply existing) must seem like a decent enough move to the apparent majority of this country that vastly misunderstood The Adventure of Robin Hood (Disney version no doubt) and have not been given the benefit of a history class....but then that's no exuse because the internet is easy to use, so are books, but I digress...
What simpletons like my friend (and most Obama supporters who try to justify their voting decision outside of one-dimensional reasons like BDS, race, or plain ignorance) forget is incentive.
If you work only to have your money given to someone who doesn't work, are you inclined to work harder? Are you inclined to feel good about the people who are being given your money? Is it really better for the country to reinforce or foster class hatred based on the redistribution of wealth? This all goes back to the less government argument, but I challenge any of you Obama supporters who may through happenstance come across this blog and put in the requisite time to finish this post to consider how you would feel if (insha'allah) you make over 250,ooo dollars and are immediately punished for such an accomplishment by having forty percent of that money taken and given to someone else for no other reason than Barack Hussein Obama thinks it is a good idea. Consider then how that person who is given your money is going to react. If they are handed a check from the government for doing nothing, are they going to give that up by trying to actually earn their own money, and God forbid, reach the level you occupy only to have their money in turn taken and given to their cousin who dropped out of high school to dedicate more time to not seeing his illegitimate children?
Ask yourselves these questions....and if you can't come up with any answers, I will glady help you along.
Right on John. Here's an interesting article from the WSJ about this very thing. Though, it's old, so you might have already seen it.
Trying to explain the tax system to Obama supporters is hellish. Especially when they think that they'll never be part of the 'super-rich' that are "getting taxed more." And arguments that this so-called 'super-rich' status under Obama actually starts fairly low on the income scale, seem to just fall on deaf ears.
The ongoing challenge I issue (and I have yet to have any takers) is to find one (1) single government institution which you can say with a straight face is efficient, non-wasteful in its endeavors. I'm not even asking it to be profitable! Now think of a private industry. I can think of 20 or so and they're on the DOW. If they stop being so, they go away. Simple as that.
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