....as Jimmy Eat World once sang, and they were right.
I know a kid who started college this year on a soccer scholarship who is as dumb as a brick. He really is academically devoid of knowledge, and is only still in school because he can play a sport well. Now he may be stupid, but he is a criminal genius. Where most people graduate highschool by devoting their energies to their studies, he got out by bending the system to his will in often ridiculously elaborate ways--and he never got caught. Outside of school he perpetrated some astoundingly brilliant criminal endeavours, and got away with all sorts of small crimes on a regular basis (poaching, under-age drinking, etc.) To talk to him about anything academic you would think him border-line retared, but when it came to breaking the rules, he was a maestro.
We as Americans, and probably as humans in general, seem to admire the illegally talented. Just look at all of our movies (Ocean's Eleven) and TV shows (Prison Break) about criminals, bank heists, gansters, scammers, etc. We cheer on guys who beat the system and come out on top. It's the sinful nature in us, I suppose.
Technology has played a big role in today's class of criminal elite, as you well know, and that means Youtube. Apparently kids are using Youtube to broadcast their cheating maneuvers to other students the world over. This has been going on for a while, and the adults are now just catching on, and marvelling:
"‘‘They take so much time you might as well study,’’ she said. ’’I can laugh about the inventiveness, but it’s sad more than anything else.""
Read the story, 'tis intriuging. CLICK HERE TO READ.
Here is an example. NOTE: The Free-Lanacer does not officially condon cheating.
that is absolutely pathetic!
whatever, cheater.
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