In actual film related news related to my actual life (the main point of this blog, ostensibly), I have been chosen by my former Screenwriting professor at Georgia State University to represent the school in a fellowship bid from the Writers Guild East (WGAe).
What does that mean exactly? Firstly, it means that out of the three students my professor considered, he believed me to be the best candidate--based on my feature I wrote in his class (a quarter finalist in the Page International Screenplay Awards and current competitor in an other competition) and the three-page-pitch I wrote up for the proposed script to be written with the grant. So God, in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to make this fellowship thing a real possibility for me.
Secondly, the fellowship means that now, representing GSU, I will be competing with nine other students from schools in the "East" that include: Boston University, Columbia College, Wayne State Univeristy (in Detroit apparently), NYU, Tulane, Drexel University (in Philly), SCAD, Washington University of St. Louis, and Howard University (in D.C.).
Okay, so if my submission is chosen out of the ten, what then? Then I will be presented at the Writer's Guild Awards show on Feb 7 of next year (in NYC) where they give me a "mentor" who will work with me on the script as well as hand me the first installment of the $10,000 grant.
So basically I am in the running for ten grand and a chance to write a feature for the WGAe.
Cool beans, but I've only made it through the first step. So those of you who pray, please pray for me. Those of you who do not pray....pray anyway. I'll teach you how if you need lessons.
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