Ned Kelly's last words...or as they say en Français, c'est la vie.
Barack Hussien Obama, despite not having a name like all those other presidents on the dollar bill, has been elected by a majority vote.
Were this another time, South Carolina would have been the first State to go...then then would come Alabama and take her by the hand. Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida...then Texas and fair Louisiana would join us in the fight.
Anyway, this is now and what has come to pass must be endured--but as Dennis Miller was keen to point out--without hatred and animosity. We, like myself, will always believe and know that Obama is the wrong choice, but we will not, cannot, allow ourselves to treat our next President with the contempt and immaturity that was dealt to President George W. Bush.
Many will claim doom, and such is a possibility, but has been since the time of Augustus Ceaser and will be until our Lord's return (and no, Obama does not qualify for that position).
God save the Queen.
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