Two people were taken to a local hospital after shots were fired between 11 a.m. and noon Friday, according to university spokeswoman Loretta Heyward. Heyward said SWAT was called because officials believe the shooter was still in an apartment in the residence hall. There were unconfirmed reports that the injured student was shot outside a classroom, according to MyFOXAtlanta. The campus was locked down immediately following the shooting. Cars were allowed to leave the school around 2 p.m. but weren't allowed to travel back onto the campus. "We have locked our doors and are keeping our students inside," said Tara Cox, a marine biologist at the Georgia school.Campus and local police, including a S.W.A.T team, are at the university, along with investigators from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Savannah State University, a historically black college, was founded in 1890 and has a student population of about 3,200."
Being born and raised in Savannah, this does not come as a surprise to me at all. Savannah State is a black school, and the black population in Savannah is well known for its consistency in keeping the murder rate jacked up. I actually do have a white friend (one of the minority) who is attending the school, and in the developing hours I will attempt to get his word on the subject.
Savannah State has always been known as a degree factory. Now they can add "becoming corpses" to their already stellar litany of achievements.
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