If you were somehow unaware, there is a new Star Trek film coming soon from Director J.J. Abrams that posits itself as a prequel. A bunch of "hot" young actors assume the famous roles of Kirk, Spock, Scottie, Sulu, etc. as they train to eventually become the crew of the USS Enterprise.
Well, the trailer debuted this weekend in front of Quantum of Solace (at least in my theatre it did) and is now online for your scrutiny HERE AT APPLE.
When I initially saw it I reacted with a mixture of excitement and disgust. I am a Star Trek fan to a limited extent (meaning I've seen the movies and grew up watching The Next Generation.) I think the kid playing Spock looks just like a young Leonard Nemoy, I think the effects look great, and I think Simon Pegg (of Shaun of the Dead fame) will play a great Scottie. However, nearly all of the dialouge in the trailor is awful, the scene with Kirk and Spock fighting promises to be retarded a la this famous showdown:
And worst of all, the kid playing James Tiberius Kirk looks like he couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. Honestly, I didn't think this film needed to be made. Despite the fact that I appreciate everything Abrams has done (for the most part) up to this point, and feel that he is a very talented guy, I just don't think even he can pull this off. Plus, what is the deal with just titling it "Star Trek"? Has all creativity been syphoned from the Hollywood naming industry? That is almost as bad as The Cave.
Judge for yourself, but I don't have my hopes up.
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