With all this rigmarole about "financial crises" and "congress sucking" and "end of Western wealth as we know it" talk flying around, I think it is only appropriate to point out some more of Obama's hypocrisies.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. How did I just go from financial crises to Obama? Should be obvious...because Obama, if elected, would certianly shepard us into a new era of depression with his meddling socialist ideas that mirror and exceed those of FDR that still plague us to this day. Not tracking? Well read THIS LINK where some smart people talk about it, and come back to me when you're finished.
Back yet? Good, so here's the story I bring today about Obama. It involves money and some nonsense about "equal pay for equal work." I'm not familiar with this concept, but apparently its a big deal to some women out there. Here's the rub, Obama has been attacking McCain and Palin for not supporting "wage equality." Turns out, after a careful examination of some things Obama isn't familar with--FACTS--we learn that women who work for Obama in the Senate make less then their male counterparts. And to garnish things, the female aides in McCain's office actually make more then their male counterparts on average. Plus McCain has more women working for him period than Obama (a dangerous move on the Mavericks part, If you ask me.)
FULL STORY HERE from National Review Online (and its written by a black man, so you can't call it racist.)
Look at the numbers (they don't lie). In the interest of full disclouser, I stole the link to this story from a friend of mine who posted it on facebook first. She's a girl, so I guess this whole "wage equality" thing makes sense to her. Go figure.
Why not criticize both Obama AND Mccain...It's ok to do even though he calls himself a Republican. Calling yourself a Republican sadly does not equal conservative any more. Obama says tax the rich 39 percent verses Mccain's 35. Wow, 4%...Amazing democracy we have.
Please admit that both parties are, for the most part, ruining this country with their big government socialist agenda. (See Govt. bailout supported by Mccain, Bush, Obama, Pelosi)
Hey now, I'm all about calling McCain (and any republican) on his crap...but doing so just to balance out with stories on Obama's fallaciousness is a no-go. I bring the hardhitting hammer of truth.
But yes, both parties are ruining this country...mostly through the implementation/allowance of socialist ideologies. McCain was never my choice, but he is the only choice in this election because Obama is absolutely, without a doubt, the wrong person for the job.
If you feel the need for conservative jabs at McCain, read Michelle Malkin. She brings up McCain's malarkey regularly.
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