
The Knight takes up his Lance, or The Begininng

In today's "modern" world the term freelancer is used to denote an individual working in a field with no permanent ties to one company or corporation. Sir Walter Scott coined the term, in Ivanhoe, to literally mean a knight who rode around with his lance selling his service to whomever would pay. Thus, in its original context, a free-lancer was a mercenary.

That is who I am; an entertainment industry mercenary.

My goal is to infiltrate a realm of thought and action that is predominated by enemies of all shades and persuasion (forever generalized here as Leftist, Liberals, or Left-Wing Radicals) and do battle with my free-lance in hopes of one day setting up my own kingdom (metaphorically and literally.) To that end I need money, and experience, so right now my lance hires out with a fair amount of indiscriminate consideration. Yet, my goal remains...and every job is one step closer to victory.

How does that goal work out? Well, therein lie the stories, for every freelance job is an adventure in and of itself. Here I will recount those stories, along with throwing together anything that I find pertinent or interesting.

Trust me, this will not be a boring blog.

Yours Truly,
John Ford Milton, Free-Lancer

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