
Setting Sail Towards Tomorrow

Well, times have changed. Old ships have sunk, and new ones set sail.

Basically, the blogging will continue to be light for a short period.

I do not anticipate any interesting film-production related stories as I am putting production work on the back burner to focus on finishing some scripts and solidifying my financial situation via a true blue "real job" (You may officially address me as PC SYSTEMS SPECIALIST).

The dream has always been to write and direct, and the only hope of that becoming a reality lies in a few long shots I am pursuing right now which, unfortunately, eat up my time.

I will still pop in to lament the government or downtown Atlanta, as well as keep Friday Batman alive, so keep the site bookmarked. Also, there is a planned sequel to Yanks in Oz in the works that should be interesting, this particular adventure dealing with Europe.


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