Andrew Tucciarone and Brandon Thompson (Good friends, frequent collaborators, and oft-mentioned characters in Free-Lancer lore) went out with me today and we did some test shots for a PSA that Brandon and Andrew are hoping to secure. The PSA is to be shot for an anti-sex trafficking organization whose campaign focuses on involvement with the fashion industry and is known as "Drop Dead Gorgeous."
Andrew, hoping to get more money for this PSA then they are willing to cough up, wanted to get some hard proof of the quality of image he could bring to the table. Brandon therefore snapped his 35mm lens adapter onto his Panasonic HD cam and we went for a stroll by the train tracks. I, being the most attractive of the three of us, was place in front of the camera to do my best "hey, sex trafficking is bad so give us money" face. I think I pulled it off. Judge for yourself below.
(For better quality on all the videos, click them to go straight to Youtube were you will see the "watch in high quality" at the very bottom right corner of the video window.)
This first one is a medium shot of me with the train tracks behind.
Next we have a close up:
This one was a wee bit underexposed:
And finally, the money maker:
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