Today, Tuesday January 20th marks the end of the second term of the presidency of George W. Bush. For all his faults, he was still a much better president than the alternatives and The Free-Lancer wishes him well and thanks him for all he did in service to our country.
Now that he is gone, the polls at CNN and elsewhere would have us believe that as Barack Hussein Obama steps up to place his hand on the Bible and be sworn in, an overwhelming feeling of hope exists.
Yet hope in what? All I see is a whitewashed tomb and all I hear are the empty promises of a politician arrogant enough to believe one man can save the entire country.
What we are about to witness on this day is nothing more notably historic then the first (half) Black man instated into the presidency. What we are about to witness is, in fact, the beginning of the reign of a man who ran the most expensive campaign in history about to be sworn in during the most expensive inauguration in history all the while clicking his tongue and warning of four more years of economic recession.
The media is of course playing along, making the financial and economic situation in America sound like a new era of depression so that if during the first four years that Obama is president things do turn around, he becomes the savior. Yet, if things continue to worsen (as the man himself would have us believe) then the fault is due to Bush, and Obama will simply need the next four years to turn everything around. Remember, dear readers, we can never underestimate either the power of Bush to destroy nor the power of the Magic Negro to mend.
I had not planned to watch the inauguration. I wouldn't have watched it if McCain had been elected. However, my workplace is ordering pizza and having a sort of party, and being the man of principle I am I cannot allow free pizza to go uneaten. If the inauguration happens to be playing in the background, then I must endure for the sake of my duty.
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