In a short amount of time the Golden Globes will be happening. I don't really care when, so I won't check the exact date. The Golden Globes don't matter. However, some time after that the Academy Awards will take place. Truthfully, Oscar doesn't matter much anymore either. However, films are still made and strategically released with Oscar in mind, and Academy voters have a notoriously short memories. Therefore you may have noticed the bevy of "important" films released over the last few weeks of last year.
I, being the important corespondent for the Free-Lancer, was privy to these films and have had the opportunity to view nearly all of the potential Oscar contenders (barring the foreign stuff) and am here to give you nugget summations of their quality. I would love to write full reviews for each of them, but I haven't the time or will power so you'll only get a full review of Gran Torino because I felt it was worth writing at length about.
I will go Alphabetically over the next series of posts. To be discussed will be:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Gran Torino
In Bruges
Slumdog Millionaire
The Wrestler
Excluded from this list are such fare as Revolutionary Road, Doubt, and Milk. These films are available to me, and may find themselves in awards competition, but I haven't watched any of them. I have no desire to watch them, but in the spirit of fairness I may make it around to giving them a screen (depending on how board I get.) Currently I am slogging through the first part of Soderbergh's Che (and you know my feelings on that monster) and it already feel like work enough.
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