It is official, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is irrelevant. It is a safe bet that the Academy doesn't even watch movies anymore. They wait a little while around Christmas time for the "important" movies to come out, and then they slap together the most pretentious list they can come up with.
Many good articles have been written today following the release of the '08 Oscar noms, such as THIS ONE at Big Hollywood by Andrew Leigh, or THIS ONE by William Goss over at Cinematical. Both writers come from different ends of the political spectrum and both agree that the Academy has turds for brains for snubbing The Dark Knight (and The Wrestler, but I don't think that one really deserves a Best Pic nod.)
Leigh postulates that the Oscars this year will be the lowest rated ever, and I agree. I think, to help things along we should all boycott them by not even turning our TV's on that night (not as though any of you had planned to watch the show since the highlight the past two years has been Will Ferrell and Jack Black's musical numbers HERE and HERE.)
I liked Benjamin Button, but I don't think it deserves any of the awards it was nominated for except Cinematography and Direction (because, darn it all, Fincher deserves that statue). Sure its nice that Heath got a nod, and Downey Jr., but The Reader? Frost/Nixon? Milk? None of those films even come close to the near-perfection that was The Dark Knight.
Oh well, you always have Friday Batman to look forward to.
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