
Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions

Nobody cares about the MTV Movies awards. I have no idea why they even take the trouble to put the show on in the first place. However, it would be interesting to see how MTV stacks up against the Oscar's ratings wise.....

Anyway, one good thing to come out of the MTV Awards every year is the spoofs wherein comedians will be inserted into scenes from the previous year's popular films in parody--such as 2009's opening with host Andy Samberg added into Slumdog Millionaire, Twilight, The Reader, etc:

This year however, the original content was taken to a whole new level as nearly a dozen Internet videos were created with Andy Samberg. (UPDATE: sorry, apparently MTV doesn't want you to see there promos anymore, because they've all the embed codes have been deactivated.)

However, probably the best video to come out of the whole thing was the music video homage to "cool guys walking away from explosions" featuring Samberg, Will Ferrell as Neil Diamond, and a very surprising guest:

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